We live in interesting times, 2020 has been a tough year in many ways. Political and social tensions are high and growing higher every day. There is an ongoing pandemic that it sometimes feels like is never going away. Social distancing, or the lack of it, along with hair trigger tempers can make even going to the grocery store a trip fraught with anxiety. Self care has never been more important.
It seems like whenever I hear anyone talking about self care it always means a bubble bath, or a glass of wine while watching a favorite movie. These things are indeed good options, but there is for more to self care than that. It'a also more than washing your hands and wearing your mask in public, although you absolutely should do those things!
So, what do I mean by self care then? I mean taking good care of your whole self - body, mind, and soul. Each part has its own needs, and requires its own care. Then they can all function together to make a happy and healthy you.
Self care of the body is obviously important. Our mothers are always saying "you are what you eat" and they're not wrong. Eat a healthy, well balanced diet. This will support every system of your body, to keep you healthy and strong. Create, or stick to, your exercise routine. Exercise keeps muscles and cardiovascular system strong, and has many other benefits as well. Bonus if you get your exercise outside!
Get outside! Sunlight and fresh air are important to our wellbeing. Not just in a pandemic, being outside in nature has many benefits, even if it's just our front yard, or a patio. If we can sit and listen to the birds, and feel the breeze on our face, it helps lesson the symptoms of depression. Connection with nature is a vital part of well being. It uplifts our spirits to see the beauty of nature, and when we can slow down and connect with the butterflies or dragonflies fluttering by, we can reconnect with the beauty of life. When we remember that we are part of nature, then we remember ourselves. If you sit and watch the animals, you can see they have ways of overcoming adversity. We can learn how to gracefully overcome obstacles in life from watching the animals.
Make regular spiritual practice a priority. I highly recommend making a daily gratitude prayer part of your practice. There is so much to be thankful for! The beautiful breeze caressing your cheek, the song of the birds, the sunshine and the rain, family, friends. Focusing on what we're grateful for is a fantastic mood lift, an antidote to all the depressing news we see on a daily basis. Our spiritual practice helps us focus on what is really important, and gives a foundation of strength and hope. This is priceless in difficult times. It can also provide a sense of community and a support network.
Seek help when you need it! Self care does not mean you need to do everything for yourself! Please do seek help, in whatever way works best for you. See your therapist, your doctor, dentist, or other health care provider. If a Reiki session, or shamanic healing session will help, book your appointment. The important thing is to recognize what you need, and then follow through with whatever therapy or combination of therapies works for you.
Self care of the body, mind, and spirit is the foundation of health. Once your needs are met, you will have the energy and the desire to reach out and help your community. You will be more effective then as well, because you are approaching community service from a place of strength and joy. Self care is not selfish, because once you are cared for, then you are far more capable of caring for others, and far more willing as well. You will be an inspiration!
Kindness spreads like ripples in a pond. We all need kindness, and it's more needed than ever right now. Start with yourself, and watch the ripples spread!
Real quick, before you go spreading ripples of kindness, leave me a comment. What self care techniques do you find work best for you? What self care or shamanic topics would you like to know more about?
Go, spread your ripples, and Rock'n'Reiki on!